Home BẢN TIN CÔNG NGHỆ How to track Viber Messages, calls and locations remotely quickly undetected 2023

How to track Viber Messages, calls and locations remotely quickly undetected 2023

You want track other people’s Viber Messages, calls.  The secret is not afraid of being discovered, don’t miss 10 minutes to read the tutorial below.

Viber messaging application is developed by Japanese corporation Rakuten. The company’s national headquarters is in Japan. Rakuten has been classified by Forbes among the 20 most innovative companies in the world.  And company becomes the club Barcelona main global partner. Viber was developed to help people connect with each other quickly by texting or calling. More features and convenience than facebook messenger or whatsapp, telegram.

how to track other people's viber

Track Viber Messages, Call

Viber says that conversations, voice messages or video calls, whether with one person or in a chat group of hundreds of people, need to be kept private and completely secure.  To make sure, Viber uses end-to-end encryption. No one can see, read and listen to them – not even Viber. When sending a Viber message, the data goes from the user’s device to the recipient’s device in the form of a random code that only the recipient’s device can decrypt. Once the message has been sent, no data is stored on Viber’s servers.

Because viber is 100% sure not to be hacked. Don’t believe online advertisements. They will cheat and take your money.

So you want to spy other people’s viber. No need to install tracking software?

Yes, let’s start!

First, you need to download the software and install Viber on your computer or PC. Click install to the step that shows the QR code on the right hand side as shown below, then stop.

Download link: https://www.viber.com/en/download/

Track Viber Messages

QR code here

QR viber

Next step, get their phone and scan a QR code on your tablet or your PC.

Next, move the camera to the QR code on PC

Just a few simple steps. You have already used their Viber account on your computer. All information of calls, messages you can see easily and immediately.

Note: When successfully logged in, Viber will display a login warning on their phone. You need to open the message and delete it. So they won’t know you’re track their viber.


This is the fastest way for you to track viber messages, calls. If you want to find information in Vietnam. Please contact : https://thamtu-x.com/

Good luck!

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